December 13, 2023: Results of the PRFLEX Study

A joint initiative of the Canada Plastics Pact (CPP), the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC), Circular Materials, the Circular Plastics Taskforce (CPT), Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ), Recycle BC, and The Film and Flexibles Recycling Coalition of The Recycling Partnership, PRFLEX aims at improving the recovery and recycling rates of flexible plastics collected from Canadian households.

The first phase of the PRFLEX study was completed in Fall 2023 and included a detailed assessment of the collection and recycling rates for flexible plastic packaging in each province, as well as a gap analysis of the infrastructure and technologies in material recovery facilities (MRFs) and at recyclers. This session will present the key learnings and recommendations from this first phase and discuss the next steps.

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